Thursday, January 31, 2008

And Then Some News

This coming Saturday essay, “The Super Bowl And Then Some,” is not designed to offer readers the origins, game history, security, coverage, or anything about the entertainment designed for this football game. There are a number of web sites that offer this information. What the essay does however is advance four major complaints about the event, and, in addition, to take the sting off the objections, there is some humor — three jokes that focus on the game. Realizing that it may be unpatriotic to criticize anything surrounding the Super Bowl, I am interested in your viewpoints regarding the four complaints. Leave a comment under the essay, and state your position. We are certain that if you read the essay, you will find yourself taking a position on the issues presented.

Saturday Essay - February 02, 2008
The Super Bowl And Then Some!
by Richard L. Weaver II


The hype surrounding the Super Bowl game every year is the most frenzied, adrenalized, amped-up to be found on television. There really are few other events that represent this level of hysteria. It is the most watched U.S. television broadcast of the year — 80 to 90 million Americans will watch. Also, with that many people watching, it isn’t surprising that it is the second largest U.S. food consumption day; Thanksgiving is the first. The following joke represents how the event causes some people to become completely deranged.


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And Then Some - C U Saturday!!

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