Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quotations by Richard L. Weaver II

Keep on keeping on. Easier said than done, I know, however, I have noticed in myself, the traits of perseverance, steadfastness, patience, endurance, dedication, commitment, stamina, and determination have paid off over and over again. Probably the most valuable lesson in good writing is the willingness to re-write, then re-write again. I realize that at some point you have to stop and let well-enough become good-enough. Everytime I look back at something I have written, I wish I had more time (or taken more time) to work on it---to re-write it.  In our hurry-up, instant results, "I want it now," rush-rush, full-speed ahead world today, it is difficult to be patient and persevere---to see a project through to its end, to find pleasure in an accomplishment that is a challenge, and to take joy in a well-executed, thoroughly rehearsed, fully attained performance that required talent, mastery, artistry, and the ultimate in competence and proficiency---the kind of final product only obtained by keeping on keeping on.

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