Friday, September 14, 2007

And Then Some Book 1 Release Schedule is here!

The excitement is brewing here at And Then Some Publishing. The final proof of And Then Some Book 1 was delivered last Wednesday, Sept. 12. We know we are biased, but it looks fantastic and we are "fired up" with the result! With a couple minor adjustments the new files were sent to the printer, in turn....

And Then Some Publishing is ready to announce:

And Then Some Book 1 Release Schedule 2007
  1. Monday, October 1st we will begin "beta" testing the redesigned Our redesign will include a better way to contact us, buy the book using Google Checkout, and have much more information about And Then Some Book 1 including excerpts and some selected full essays!
  2. Thursday, November 1st is the official release of And Then Some Book 1!
  3. Saturday, November 3rd is the official book release party. The And Then Some crew is excited to be teaming up with to combine a fall party tradition with a book release party. Author Richard L. Weaver will be on hand to sign your book! We will keep you informed as we hammer out the details

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