Thursday, September 20, 2007

Introducing Saturday Essays!

And Then Some News: Thursday September 20, 2007

David Shutt (, 419-724-6067) of the Toledo Blade informed us "For the time being, at least, I've decided to give Saturday Essay a rest ... It may be revived in time but every feature wears out after a while ... Thanks for your interest."

How do you take a negative: The extinction of Saturday Essays in the Toledo Blade, the basis of And Then Some Book 1 and in turn, what has lead us all the way here to this blog...

How do you turn this negative into a positive? Think And Then Some...

Introducing "And Then Some Saturday Essays" by Richard L. Weaver II

Every Saturday author Richard L. Weaver II will post an essay from the expansive And Then Some essay library or post an essay on a current theme of the day whether it be politics, religion, education, travel or just plain fun!

Essay Topic: Saturday September 22, 2007 -
Live Life to the Fullest
If you have been lucky enough to follow your true passion—utilizing the gifts and talents you’ve been given—you know what “being alive” means. Life is wonderful; life is exciting; and life is bringing rewards and opportunities you may never have dreamed of.
Making the right choices has valuable and worthwhile benefits. It generates tireless energy. It keeps you on track. It keeps you moving towards following your gifts and talents.
Finding your passion makes you look at life differently. There is a love there that motivates you to do the best you can and to learn as much as possible about your chosen field.
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And Then Some...
We can't wait to see you on Saturday!!

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