Thursday, December 6, 2007

And Then Some News

This week's Saturday Essay is taken from And Then Some Book 1: Essays to Entertain, Motivate, & Inspire. Chapter 23 asks the question "So you want to write a book?" covering questions ranging from time and resources including suggestions on organizing your approach to writing.

Signed copies of And Then Some Book 1 are available from And Then Some Publishing, LLC through for the low-price leading $16.47. Get your signed copy of And Then Some Book 1 during our Christmas Sale - while supplies last. Order by December 12th and make sure you get your book in time for Christmas!

And Then Some Saturday Essay - December 8, 2007
So you want to write a book?
by Richard L. Weaver II

Do you know what you want to say, but you just can’t put it into written form without losing clarity and impact? Imagine that your computer is another person, and simply begin a conversation. Writing that truly reveals who you are comes from your heart without artifice or contrivance. The secret of style is to have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. When it comes easily, your heart will be encased in the words you select like precious stones in a ring.

And Then Some - see you Saturday!

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