Thursday, December 13, 2007

And Then Some News

This week's Saturday Essay was inspired by a comment posted by Maizer B. in response to Dec. 8th essay "So you want to write a book?". "What if I don't have anything that you're talking about?"

Great questions lead to inspiration!

-- What if I don't have everything?

-- Where do I start and what do I do?

Saturday Essay - December 15, 2007

A Beginners Guide to Writing a Book

How to take what you don't have and make it work

by Richard L. Weaver II


In addition to intimidation, many beginning writers fear failure. It is a reasonable concern. You are entering a competitive business (writing), and you are competing with experienced writers. What you have, however, no other writers have! You have a unique perspective, an exclusive point of view, and a distinctive way of looking at things that nobody else in the world possesses. Even the way you will put your ideas together and the words you select to express them will be totally idiosyncratic — unmatched by anyone else.

And Then Some - C U Saturday!!

Grab the book, Get And Then Some... SIGNED!

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