Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And Then Some News

This Thursday’s And Then Some essay, “The best things in your life were planted by the tender hand of your mother,” is a celebration of Mother’s Day. The essay was written last year on that day, and I want to give full credit to my son, Reverend R. Scott Weaver, for his thoughts on the topic. I was already in the planning stages of the essay, and the surprise came as I was sitting in church listening to my son preach. The direct quotations resulted from asking him for a printout of his sermon, and I am indebted to his inspiration for the title of the essay as well.

Share your And Then Some Story about Mother’s Day. Do you have an inspirational Mother’s Day story to share? Was it your own mother, your wife, a friend of yours, or another mother you have known? What are the qualities that make outstanding mothers? When you witness the actions of children obviously nourished by superb mothers, what qualities do you see? Too often, I’m afraid, the marvelous stories of exceptional mothers go untold, and now is the time to change that!

And Then Some Essay - May 08, 2008
The best things in your life were planted by the tender hand of your mother
by Richard L. Weaver II


I still remember the advice my mother gave me: “Be careful or you’ll put your eye out,” “What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?” “You have enough dirt behind your ears to grow potatoes!” “Don’t make that face, or it’ll freeze in that position,” “Close that door! You weren’t brought up in a barn,” “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all,” and the best advice of all, “Always wear clean underwear; you never know when you’ll be in an accident.” My mother was a teacher, thus, giving advice was natural and automatic for her.

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