Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And Then Some News

Thursday’s essay, “The value of experience,” is an essay that focuses on what it takes to achieve greatness. Our society tends to reinforce the perception of achieving success through luck or accident. Gaining experience takes work and commitment and effort — and that is what Thursday’s essay is all about.

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview
The value of experience
by Richard L. Weaver II


It is very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it’s troublesome just wondering if, indeed, there will be a light at the end. Athletes, artists of all sorts, and anyone engaged in any pursuit that requires practice knows the feeling. “Do I have to do this?” “How long is this going to last?” “In the end, is this going to be worth it?” Most of those who are accomplished at what they do will answer these questions quickly and without doubt. The answers are “Yes,” “How ever long it takes,” and “Yes.” As difficult as the journey is, the destination will be worth your time and effort.

And Then Some Works - see you THURSDAY!!

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