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Thursday’s essay is the second one in this two-part series about having to be right, and the essay is entitled, “The need to be right means being crippled by your own judgment.” It is simply a slightly different slant on the same topic as last week. Once again, if you are a person who always needs to be right, if you know someone who has a need to always be right, or if your relationship partner is the one who always needs to be right, you will love this essay.Share your link. Have you written anything on people who always need to be right? Are you such a person? Do you know someone who is? Can you share some insights with readers? What would you like to tell people who always need to be right? Any personal information you would like to share with them? Share your link with us. We’ll post it and move traffic in your direction. And, a big “thank you,” in advance, from, for sharing your link.
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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview
The need to be right means being crippled by your own judgment
by Richard L. Weaver II
The problem with the need to always be right is the way it manifests itself in our daily behavior. Because of the way it is seen by others, it is likely to negatively affect, even destroy, relationships. The more we display a rigidity of thought, the more anger and disapproval we are likely to experience. The need to always be right is revealed in our inability to say “I don’t know” or “I was wrong,” a high need to expect others to see things our way, feeling threatened when new ideas come from others, fear of hearing new information that threatens our beliefs, fear of letting go (not being in control), a preoccupation with winning approval from others, our need to be seen as tough, powerful, and strong, our pride at always being rational and logical, discomfort in expressing sensitive feelings, shame and fear of being perceived as vulnerable and insecure, belief that others who disagree should “just get over it,” and use of charm, anger, withdrawal, or blaming to settle arguments.
And Then Some Works - see you Thursday!!
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