Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And Then Some News

Thursday’s essay is called, “‘The five people who most influenced my writing.” This is my Thanksgiving essay for 2009. I have previously given thanks to all those in our society who work behind the scenes and are seldom acknowledged. That essay was called, “Giving abundant thanks for our abundant harvest,” and it was published in The (Toledo) Blade, November 26, 2005. Also, I have given thanks to my mother and father in an essay entitled, “Dear Mom and Dad: Lives And Then Some." Thus, this essay could be labeled, Thanksgiving Essay III.

Share your link. Have you written anything about giving thanks? Or, have you stopped to give thanks to those in your life who have helped you the most? Are you a person who gives thanks on a regular basis? How has it (or does it) help you? Can you share some insights about the most important times you have given thanks and those people to whom you gave it? What would you like to tell people about giving thanks? Share your link with us. We’ll post it and move traffic in your direction. And, a big “thank you,” in advance, from AndThenSomeWorks.com, for sharing your link.

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
The five people who most influenced my writing
by Richard L. Weaver II


How did this influence my writing? Weekly meetings with Cotrell continued for over 20 years, and we were soon discussing possibilities for publication. He would come to the meetings full of ideas, and we would work together developing outlines, approaches, and solutions that I would put together then submit to him for comment and further suggestions. We co-authored close to thirty academic articles, and there is no doubt about how fortunate I was to have Cotrell ask me to visit my classes, pursue weekly meetings with me, and allow me access to his active and vibrant brain.

And Then Some Works - see you Thursday!!

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