Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Masculinity and a Shakespeare Video

And Then Some Publishing News

Hello folks... let's get you up-to-date! 

The new video page at AndThenSomePublishing.com is finished for now. Sure there are more updates soon since we are releasing more videos later this week. (More on that in a second.) We continue to update our websites and our recent efforts haven statistically proven we are on the right track. 

Thanks for being fans and thank you for your support.

Edgar E. Willis' video on Shakespeare will be released later this week. We were hoping it would be ready for this post, but due to some technical difficulties we've decided to delay the release so we make sure you get what you want. It's Shakespeare and this must presented with respect... and we want to get this one right. Nothing is rotten in the state of Denmark... a little patience is definitely worth the wait.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, “The tyranny of masculinity: Stop trying to be a man; start trying to be yourself."  Men, in general—not all men—can be criticized for being too addicted to cultural definitions of masculinity and for lacking a critical perspective about those definitions.  If you don't believe it, read about it in Thursday's essay.  

The tyranny of masculinity: Stop trying to be a man; start trying to be yourself
by Richard L. Weaver II


It is true that most men feel pressured to act masculine.  Why can’t men, instead, emulate people like the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Jr., or Gandhi—men who were both gentle and competent?  These are male culture heroes and icons of highly accomplished masculinity.  Why is it that most men hold as heroes athletes, lawyers, businessmen, and generals?  The answer is: because we live in a speedy, competitive, hyper-masculine culture—a culture that focuses upon and idealizes the most problematic aspects of the male gender role.  If I could give men just one message, it would be: Stop trying to be a man; start trying to be yourself.  If that includes elements that are considered feminine, so be it.

It's life... And Then Some!

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