Tuesday, November 2, 2010

S'Mores and Essay Preview | In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations

And Then Some Publishing News

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The SMOERS quotes on our blog are derived from the compilation quotes in our book of the same name. SMOERs is based on the delicious snack S'Mores... just spelled funny. The quotes are based upon the title, Self-Motivation, Optimism, Encouragement Rules. The book is broken into 365 days with an average of 4 quotes a day. Pick any day and read some great quotes!

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations."  You cannot make accurate predictions about how even top-rated individuals might behave in specific circumstances---even though you have judged their character positively in other instances. The point is simply that it is not easy to assess the character of a person. 

In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations

by Richard L. Weaver II


In most cases in life, we decide who we like or dislike for no good reason.  It is truly an unfair decision based on little or no evidence.  But, if we waited until we knew everything about someone before we made up our mind, we would spend much of our time with no commitments to anyone—in relationship limbo.  Not only do we not have access to the kind of information we need to make up our minds, but even when we think we have gathered sufficient evidence to confirm a decision, the person behaves in such a way as to counter our judgment—totally repudiating not just our evidence but our ability to root out the essential information we need.

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