Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And Then Some News

And Then Some Publishing, LLC, has just published Public Speaking Rules! - All You Need for a GREAT speech! This book contains the nuts-and-bolts rules necessary for giving a great speech. The rules are easy to read and easy to use. You can view the table of contents, introduction, and chapter excerpts at publicspeakingrules.com The book is available at Amazon.com.

Sunday, June 15th is Father's Day. Share your And Then Some Story about fathers. Are you a person who has either had or not had a great father? We would love to hear your story? Do you have a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you just know from a distance who has a great experience (or negative one) with a father? Can you tell his or her story? Feel free to use a pseudonym for the person’s real name. What are the characteristics of great fathers? How did your father inspire you? What do you do when fathers fail? Let us know what you think.

And Then Some Essay - June 10, 2008
Most fathers have no idea the influence they have on their children
by Richard L. Weaver II


One factor that provides a useful and accurate metaphor for my own fathering was the time I was willing to spend with my children. Whether it was playing with blocks, Lincoln Logs, or a toy train, or helping them write school essays, going to student-teacher conferences, or attending athletic events to watch the cheerleaders or marching band, my wife and I were there for them. For one of our daughters, we either chaperoned or attended her cheerleading events, no matter where it took us; for one of our sons in the school’s pep band, we attended athletic events to hear him play.

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