Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And Then Some News

And Then Some NewsThursday’s essay, “The Message Students Don’t Want to Hear,” is the third of a number of essays that relate to education. That I write essays on education, as I have said the past two weeks, is easily understood since I spent close to 48 years involved in public education as either a student or teacher. (This week’s essay is the kind that, if taken to heart, can change a student’s life now and forever!)

Share your And Then Some Story about your educational experience as a student. How long have you been or were you a student? How successful are you or were you? Can you tell us some of the factors that have made a difference in your life (that contributed positively to your experience as a student)? What are the characteristics of outstanding students? What would you recommend students do to become more effective? What would be YOUR message? Can you share your tips, stories, or suggestions regarding outstanding students? In what ways can being an outstanding student contribute to one’s life? We would love to hear your story. Do you have a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you just know from a distance who has been an outstanding student? Can you tell his or her story? Feel free to use a pseudonym for the person’s real name.

Click here to Share your "And Then Some" story

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview
The Message Students Don’t Want to Hear
by Richard L. Weaver II


It is all up to you! “I didn’t ask to be here,” “It doesn’t really matter,” or “It depends on my teachers, not me,” are some typical comments that assist, support, and excuse students from their responsibility as students. Of course, there are many other excuses, but they all come down to one essential idea: “I am not responsible for my life.”

Have you checked out And Then Some Book I: Essays to Entertain, Motivate & Inspire? And Then Some Book 1 is a collection of essays that lend themselves to the times when you only have a moment to spare. They are quick, positive, and encouraging. Definitely fuel for your spirit! Hear it from the professor himself...

And Then Some Works - see you THURSDAY!!

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