Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And Then Some News

Thursday’s essay, “Be aware of the myths that guide your life,” is another essay about personal development. It gives the benefits of a life without the myths, and it suggests that you become aware of the myths and adjust or change them when they are no longer true or effective.

Share your link. Have you written anything on myths? How about material on what it is that guides your life and actions? Share your link with us. We’ll post it and move traffic in your direction. And, a big “thank you,” in advance, from AndThenSomeWorks.com, for sharing your link.

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview
Be aware of the myths that guide your life
by Richard L. Weaver II


Myths guide your actions. As important as it is for you to exercise, follow effective nutrition guidelines, and get sufficient sleep, in many cases your attempts to do what will keep you healthy are affected by and, thus, in some cases, contravened by myths. Some of these myths are wired into you, and no matter what scientific evidence is offered, they remain anchored, fixed, and secure.

And Then Some Works - see you THURSDAY!!

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