Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And Then Some News

Relationship Rules is a great book for those who are in successful relationships already. Do you want to know why? Because the book discusses and explains the ideas and principles that make relationships work. It will reinforce and underscore everything you are currently doing, and by reinforcing and underscoring these things, it will encourage you to continue in your successful ways. Buy the book at Amazon.com.

And Then Some Publishing, LLC, is proud to announce the publication of Civilian In an Ill-Fitting Uniform: A Memoir of World War II, by Edgar E. Willis. Do you like well-written books? One of the reviewers of this book said, “Dr. Willis’s command of the written word is extraordinary, and as you read the book, the voice of the author is loud and clear.” The book is available right now from Amazon.com.

Thursday’s essay is called, “Seeking a Sanctuary: On the Grand Princess.” This was our 9th cruise, and we completed it in 2009. In this essay we share some information about where, on a cruise, you can find a place of solace and isolation — a place where you can go to be by yourself, meditate, contemplate, and even write. Some people have said they don’t like cruising because of the crowds, because you can’t get away from people, or because they are claustrophobic. This essay will help establish that that does not have to be true.

Share your link. Have you written anything about cruising? How about anything about finding a sanctuary on a large ship? Are you a person who has cruised, and you have some ideas and suggestions to share? How important is finding isolation or solitude on a cruise? How about the importance of finding a place (besides your room) where you can write? Can you share some insights about the aspects of cruising you like? What would you like to tell people about the experiences you have had when cruising? Share your link with us. We’ll post it and move traffic in your direction. And, a big “thank you,” in advance, from AndThenSomeWorks.com, for sharing your link.

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
Seeking a Sanctuary: On the Grand Princess
by Richard L. Weaver II


Skywalker’s Nightclub, with the exception of the smokestacks about two-thirds of the way back on the ship, is the highest location. During the two weeks of sailing, few people discovered it during the daylight hours (they preferred the pool areas at the center of the ship). The nightclub, however, tended to fill up around 4:30 through 5 p.m. when we were leaving a port for the view was outstanding. I watched as we left Granada, for example, and not only did the Nightclub provide a remarkable view of the port area and island terrain. Ominous rain clouds embraced the center portion of the island, and the setting sun cast enchanting rainbows over Fort Frederick just above the dock from where our ship departed. The departure was truly stunning — a scene I couldn’t wait to capture in words!

And Then Some Works - see you Thursday!!

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