Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ALL PROCEEDS of each book sold beyond $1.00 goes to Find a Cure

And Then Some Publishing News

And Then Some Publishing has added lots of Facebook links to our websites. We haven't completed the project, however at SMOERs.com you can share the first 30 days of inspiring quotes and at RelationshipRulesWorks.com you can share the painting of the cover on Facebook. The cover painting is a must see and the book? Relationship Rules... What could be more important than working to develop a more positive self — one of the cornerstones for relationship success?

Have you heard? This week, from May 10, 2010 through May 16, 2010 buy any of And Then Some Publishing, LLC's eight books through Amazon.com and we will donate ALL PROCEEDS of each book sold beyond $1.00. Proceeds beyond $1 are donated to Susan G. Komen - Find a Cure to breast cancer.

Let's keep it simple:
Buy any of And Then Some Publishing's 8 books and ALL PROCEEDS beyond $1 goes to Find a Cure... and your purchase could donate over $5 to breast cancer research.*

Click the links below and find out more information on all our books:
Pick any book and help Find a Cure:
Civilian in an Ill-fitting Uniform: A memoir of World War II
Special Delivery: A baby memory book for boys or girls
Relationship Rules: For long-term happiness, security, and commitment
SMOERs: Delicious quotes to help you get through your day
Public Speaking Rules: All you need for a GREAT speech!
You Rules: Caution - contents leads to a better life
And Then Some Book 1: Essays to entertain, motivate, and inspire!

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview
How to build a personality from the ground up
by Richard L. Weaver II

Thursday’s essay, “How to build a personality from the ground up,” is an essay that focuses on personality development. Whether you are just starting out or looking for a complete make-over, this essay has practical and worthwhile suggestions that you can begin using at once.

How do you begin to build a new personality from the ground up? It is actually a simpler process than what one might imagine; however, there are two prerequisites. First, one needs a completely new situation. It’s a little like sitting next to a stranger on an airplane or chatting with one on the Internet—a person you know you’ll never see again—and supplying the kind of information and details that cause the other person to form a complimentary, praiseworthy, and totally favorable opinion of you. Second, you need a whole set of new acquaintances who have no ties or relationships to your former persona. What these new acquaintances must only hear and see is “the new you.”

And Then Some Works!

*And Then Some Publishing, LLC book proceeds vary per book. Donations to Susan G. Komen are calculated per each book sold. Depending on which And Then Some Publishing, LLC book is purchased, your donation can vary from approximately $2.00 to over $5.00.

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