This week we have two new videos that explain what you can do with "Special Delivery: A Baby Memory Scrapbook for Boys or Girls." The first video describes how you can take Post-it® Picture Paper and easily print out a picture of your special delivery, then add your photo to your baby memory book.
In the second video author Lynne Hall and illustrator Anthony Weaver explain and answer questions about their book, "Special Delivery: A Baby Memory Scrapbook for Boys or Girls." They answer questions about the inspiration of the book, how the baby memories are set up, how we arrived at our title, what Special Delivery covers plus plenty of examples... And Then Some!
How-to combine Special Delivery Baby Book plus "Post-It" picture paper - A perfect combination
Special Delivery Baby Memory Book Explained by Author Lynne Hall and Illustrator Anthony Weaver
Do you have any questions about Special Delivery: A Baby Memory Scrapbook for Boys or Girls? Please ask...
Get your Special Delivery NOW: ProductsThatPamper.com
Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
Thursday’s essay is called, “Family members as role models: The first school for young children." Valuing children as human beings, revealing consistency between what you do and what you expect children to do, creating a positive and supportive home atmosphere, accentuating the positive, and modeling and explaining effective, expected behaviors, are just some of the ways adults can influence children. This essay is about the important role family members play in influencing children.
Family members as role models: The first school for young children
by Richard L. Weaver II
There is no doubt that parents are a child’s first teachers and role models. Usually, too, children are more affected by what their parents do than by what their parents say. They learn how to behave by seeing how their mothers and fathers behave, and they follow their example. It is like a computer’s default pattern. That is, when given no specific instructions on how the computer is supposed to deal with a situation, it falls back on the programming it has stored in its memory, and it uses the instructions in that programming.
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