Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And Then Some News

Day 155, "Fill your mind with positive thoughts," (from the book SMOERs) prompted this comment: There is a book jammed full of positive thoughts! That book is SMOERs --- Self Motivation, Optimism, Encouragement Rules: Daily Reminders for Outstanding Living, and right now it is at the printer. It should be available at Amazon.com in just a couple of weeks. Despite the size of the book (over 400 pages), we have kept the price as low as possible --- just $14.95. We are excited, and we think you are going to love this new book. It is unlike anything we've published previously. Under Day 155, there is an anonymous quote that reads, "Few cases of eye strain have been developed by looking on the bright side of things. SMOERs will not cause eye strain because the entire book looks on the bright side of things --- and then some!

Thursday’s essay, “Trying to understand everything,” is an essay that focuses on both how it happens and how to deal with it. How do you handle people who think you know everything? It also discusses the problem of having to deal with too much information.

Share your link. Have you written anything on trying to understand everything? How about material on dealing with people who think you know everything? Any personal experiences? Share your link with us. We’ll post it and move traffic in your direction. And, a big “thank you,” in advance, from AndThenSomeWorks.com, for sharing your link.

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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview

Trying to understand everything
by Richard L. Weaver II


You know, we are tiny complex human beings living in a huge and complex world. And, if you think about it, we will never be able to understand everything. That applies to all levels and all areas of life. It took me a long time to grasp this, but as an author of a textbook, I realized that there will always be things just outside of my comprehension. Also, because there is so much background, such a wealth of history, and so many factors to be considered, we all have a difficult time — no matter how long and hard we study — learning everything there is to know, no matter how much we refine and narrow the subject. New experiences, inventions, experiments, and opinions continually arise, too, that must be considered. Despite everything there is to know, all we can do, in the end, is offer the very minuscule, limited, and biased picture we have as a result of raising our periscope from where we are located, turning it slowly around to view everything we can, and then trying to compose some sort of representation of what’s out there from our perspective — because that’s all we have.

And Then Some Works - see you Thursday!!

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