Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SMOERs: Words of Wisdom

The only way to have a friend is to be one. —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day #52 - Make a new friend, is the daily reminder in the delightful day-to-day guide, Self-Motivation, Optimism, Encouragement Rules! (SMOERs): Daily Reminders for Outstanding Living, compiled by Richard L. Weaver II, Ph.D. There are 365 daily reminders and over 1600 quotations for the boost you need to brighten your day - every day - and uplift your spirits. And, we have a surprise for you . . . read the information below.


Author copies of SMOERs arrived yesterday (Tuesday, 04-21-09), and the book has just become available at In a day or so, you will be able to "Look Inside" at the Amazon web site. If you want to get a jump on all those who will wait for the official announcement and special essay next week, you can go to right now and have the book in your hands by then. All you need to do is go to, and under the category "Books," type smoers into the search engine there, and the book will appear (magically!) before your eyes. This is the most unique book And Then Some Publishing L.L.C. has published thus far, and all of us here at the publishing company are certain you will enjoy it. Try it --- we know you'll want s'more.

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