Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And Then Some News

And Then Some News

Well once again I find we have had a slow week with no major news to report.  Rest assured that the news will be coming soon.  Richard has been traveling having more adventures that I am sure he will be writing about.  I can hardly wait to see what he brings back for us. 

For now, here is a little preview of Thursday's And Then Some Essay.   Enjoy and we will be seeing you next week!

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Essay anniversary III: A writing career and then some." This is what this essay is all about, as I write about it in the essay itself:  "For this anniversary essay, I want to talk about more than simply what I have and haven’t learned from writing essays or the contentment and joy that has resulted from writing them.  I have mentioned both of these in the previous two anniversary essays.   Rather, I want to take a brief moment here to take stock.  At the risk of sounding totally self-absorbed, self-indulgent, and self-important, I simply ask readers of my essays to allow my self-obsession in this single essay.  This is my 'taking stock' opportunity, and despite the egotism it reflects (those who know me well would never suspect the least bit of egotism! —I need a smiley emoticon here!), I will proceed unabated."

Essay anniversary III: A writing career and then some"

by Richard L. Weaver II


If I had difficulty accepting the fact that I survived writing one essay a week for a year, then two years, it comes as a major shock to me to accept the fact that I have now been doing it for three years.  Remarkable, to say the least!  It is not just the fact that I have now published on the blog 156 essays (representing approximately 156,000 words!), but that it has taken place uninterrupted, that I had enough “unique” ideas to come up with that many essay topics, and that I have not only maintained interest in doing it but have had great fun as well.

And Then Some Works!

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