Tuesday, January 1, 2013

And Then Some News

The new news for 2013 is the publication by And Then Some Publishing LLC of Edgar E. Willis's new book of fiction: Moss on the Ivory Tower: A Novel of Mystery and Intrigue (2013). The book is available at Amazon.com. If you want to read an excellent book that is superbly written and one that will grasp and hold your attention throughout the book, this is an excellent choice.

Thursday's Essay Preview

The first paragraph of Thursday's essay, "Live with Passion,'" reads as follows:

As a professor of speech communication I lectured to thousands of students during my 22 years at Bowling Green State University — over 1,000 per term in a basic speech course and close to 300 per term in a 300-level interpersonal-communication course.  In some cases the terms were semesters, and in others the terms were trimesters.   I was often asked, “How do you do it?”  And the best, most concise, accurate answer was always, “passion” — strong emotion.  

Thursday's Essay Excerpt - from the last paragraph of the essay

But it is not really an accident (chance) at all; it happens because I am prepared, and preparation in any field, discipline, domain, occupation, area, branch, or sphere is the key.  You don’t prepare because you know what the future holds, you prepare to lay the foundation for a productive and active life!

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